Author: Rabbi Paul

Eikev – Imitate God, Serve Others

There is a biblical mandate to treat all people with equal respect.  “Do nothing out of selfishness or conceit, but with humility consider others as more important than yourselves.” (Phil. 2:3) But is this how most of us conduct ourselves?…

Matot – A Place of Refuge

This week’s Torah portion contains a theme that in the ancient world was peculiar to the religion of Israel – the compassion, care and grace of their patron God. A historically popular approach to theology is to bifurcate of the…

B’halot’kha – Salvation On Trial

This week’s parasha will introduce a theme that will characterize much of the remaining narrative of Bamidbar. Chapters 11-25 contain a series of refusals on the part of Israel to accept authority. In chapter 12 even Miriam challenges Moses’ authority.…

Emor – The Blemished and the Whole

For decades, Western society has been making concerted efforts to be more accepting and inclusive of those who have physical and mental disabilities. This means that accommodations must be made for impediments that have historically restricted people from living fully…